Sparkle & ShineGet your tickets to “A Night to Open Doors” 2025! Celebrate 15 years of Catie’s Closet’s work and help us raise funds during this fun evening filled with food, drinks, live music, dancing, and the chance to win dazzling auction items and raffle prizes. Sparkle and shine with us on March 22nd at Andover Country Club at 6:00 PM!

3 Impactful Ways to Help Kids in the New Year

As part of your new year goals or new year resolutions, you may be hoping to make more of an impact in your community.

One way to do that is to help support the most vulnerable and impressionable people around you – children.

By helping children in need, you help set a strong foundation for the rest of their lives, protecting the futures of our youth and the next generations that will lead our society in the years to come.

Issues facing children today

Kids of today are up against unique and ever changing obstacles as our world, culture and society continues to evolve.

These challenges include (but are most certainly not limited to):

The more compassion, care, guidance and support children have, the more empowered they will be to successfully navigate these challenges and live their lives to the fullest potential.

Here are 3 ways you can help kids in 2025.

Support organizations that help children.

While there are so many challenges in front of our children, we live in a world filled with people who want to step in and provide the tools and resources necessary for kids to not only face those challenges but overcome them.

There are thousands and thousands of organizations designed to help children succeed with various missions addressing specific needs. Catie’s Closet is one of many, providing children in need with life-changing access to clothing and basic necessities so they can thrive in school and in life.

You can show your support in many different ways, including volunteerism, one-time or recurring monetary donations, in-kind donations, and spreading awareness via social media and word of mouth.

Be a mentor and advocate for the kids closest to you.

Relationships and connections are one of the most influential parts of a young child’s life. When you step in to be someone a child can rely on, you can have a long-term, life-changing impact in big and small ways.

They will take your influence with them in all they do and can use what they learn to fuel their own difference in others’ lives. By planting one seed of positivity, your impact can multiply.

Whether you seek to help your own children, their friends, your students (if you are a teacher), your friends’ children, other family members, or your neighbors, your own life experiences and lessons learned can really help shape the futures of those around you.

Stay updated on information pertaining to children.

There are so many resources available to help you learn about children, the modern-day challenges they face, development, parenting, and more. You can use this information to help shape the way you interact with kids in your life and greater community.

Education is power. Identify the kind of role model you want to be and how you hope to impact the children of today. Use what you learn to lead and make an informed difference.

Ready to help children now?

See how you can get involved today.

Join our email list to learn all the other ways you can join Catie’s Closet’s mission and help kids this year.

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